Barton Primary School - Cranbourne, Victoria.
This approach allows the teachers to explicitly teach in their particular way, but with a structure or framework to work around. As a new school, this is exactly what we needed. Barton Primary School ensured all the staff were initially trained in the Professional Development sessions, and continues to maintain that excellence with new staff trained as soon as possible. This ensures that the consistency across the school is continued, and also allows for teachers to be revitalised towards new ideas, games and any updates available. They also ensure the approach is protected by scheduling the timetable school wide to include Home Talk and Big Write times with no disturbances for the students or teachers. It’s engaging and fun for not only the students, but the teachers as well. The visual learning aspects allow the students and teachers to track and monitor progress in an easy format that ensures that it’s an open learning approach between student-teacher rather than a directive approach. Watch the video to hear more about why Big Write and VCOP was a perfect fit at Barton Primary... |