What is Big Write & VCOP
What is Big Write?
Big Write is just one, of your many, writing sessions in the week- ideally at the end of the week. We like Thursday. It’s a special start/stop piece of writing, where the students ‘show off’ and celebrate all the skills they have been learning from the English and Inquiry Curriculum that week. It has a special atmosphere to promote calm and creative writers and encourages students to reflect on their learning and how they can improve.
What did the children think of their Big Write experience?
I liked Big Write because everyone was quiet and it let my brain relax. -April Gr 3
I liked Big Write because it gave us a chance to express our writing. – Indee Gr 2
I liked how it was quiet and I let my ideas flow on paper. -Tamika Gr
Hear what Nichols Point Primary students, teachers and parents think of Big Write and VCOP.
What is VCOP?
VCOP stands for vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation. These four elements quickly and easily enhance writing by creating the writer’s voice. Together with GHaSP (grammar, handwriting, spelling and punctuation)- the building blocks to correct and clear writing, VCOP adds the icing on the cake- excitement, pizzazz and flow to keep the audience engaged throughout the piece.
Is Big Write, Big Talk, and VCOP Evidence-Based?
The methodology that underpins the Big Write, Big Talk, and V.C.O.P. approach to enhancing writing is based on best-practice pedagogy and supported by years of educational research. The research links in the document below provide more information about these underlying principles.
Free Webinars
Want more information for you or your staff? Have you watched our free webinars?
Webinar hosted by Australian Teacher Aide (ATA) - Leaders in Professional Learning for Teacher Aides australianteacheraide.com.au/
Webinar presented by ATA guest, Samantha Taylor of Andrell Education andrelleducation.com.au/
Webinar hosted by Australian Teacher Aide (ATA) - Leaders in Professional Learning for Teacher Aides australianteacheraide.com.au/
Webinar presented by ATA guest, Samantha Taylor of Andrell Education andrelleducation.com.au/
Stay Up To Date:
Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter which is sent out about twice a term to keep you updated on the latest PD sessions and any new tips, tricks and additions to the website.
Our Facebook page and Facebook groups are very heavily used by enthusiastic VCOP educators, and are full of tips, tricks and ideas.
Our main page is; https://www.facebook.com/AndrellEducation/
Consider this page like a noticeboard and ideas board. We post on here the most, so it's a good idea to ensure you like and follow the main admin page as well as the groups you find useful.
We have 3 Facebook groups. They are all closed groups to protect your privacy, and hopefully there is enough to suit all your needs:
This is our first and main Facebook group where you will find the majority of information is shared and the most questions asked. I recommend everyone joins this group and likes the Andrell page to cover all updates.
Our newest Facebook groups was developed from a love of adapting games and activities to support the junior school. Since then, we have been able to further support pre-writers and hone in on the skills they need to master, before we ask them to write. If you teach in the junior school (F-2) or have pre-writers in your class (Pre-School/Kinder, Foundation, Special Needs, Teacher’s Aide, CRT etc) this is the group for you.
With more Secondary Schools coming on board, we have now started a specific group that we hope we can build up with resources and support for your needs. I would also recommend that Grade 6 teachers think about joining and using this group as well to create a stronger transition.
We also have an Instagram account, but we are still learning how to use it effectively ha-ha, tips and tags welcome. You can follow us here: Instagram: bigwrite_vcop
Our Facebook page and Facebook groups are very heavily used by enthusiastic VCOP educators, and are full of tips, tricks and ideas.
Our main page is; https://www.facebook.com/AndrellEducation/
Consider this page like a noticeboard and ideas board. We post on here the most, so it's a good idea to ensure you like and follow the main admin page as well as the groups you find useful.
We have 3 Facebook groups. They are all closed groups to protect your privacy, and hopefully there is enough to suit all your needs:
This is our first and main Facebook group where you will find the majority of information is shared and the most questions asked. I recommend everyone joins this group and likes the Andrell page to cover all updates.
Our newest Facebook groups was developed from a love of adapting games and activities to support the junior school. Since then, we have been able to further support pre-writers and hone in on the skills they need to master, before we ask them to write. If you teach in the junior school (F-2) or have pre-writers in your class (Pre-School/Kinder, Foundation, Special Needs, Teacher’s Aide, CRT etc) this is the group for you.
With more Secondary Schools coming on board, we have now started a specific group that we hope we can build up with resources and support for your needs. I would also recommend that Grade 6 teachers think about joining and using this group as well to create a stronger transition.
We also have an Instagram account, but we are still learning how to use it effectively ha-ha, tips and tags welcome. You can follow us here: Instagram: bigwrite_vcop